Heard an interesting science news story this morning.  What we know about the structure and function of the human brain not only is for solving current health issues but explaining the why in the past.  Why is it in every world culture that the earliest art has the same geometric pattern?  Our brain does work in spatial relationships. Pattern recognition is a survival tool. The eye has evolved to notice movement.  Another survival trait.  Knowing that it does really solve the problem our earliest ancestors left.  The hieroglyph were just strange highly developed art until the Rosetta stone was found by a soldier in Napoleon’s Egyptian adventure.  Now the strange wonderful culture of the first civilization is a must see tourist industry.

So cave paintings.  Alan Turing’s Reaction-diffusion system described how stable chemical processes became unstable that represented that new state in geometric patterns.  Why do zebras have stripes and leopard spots.  Successful mutation or better explained by natural selection.  The rest got eaten or died or disappeared.  Pick one.  Since Man is the highest order animal, the chemical process is basically the same.  introduce early peyote and let the art flow. See patterns. Draw patterns. Stump the intellectuals millenniums later.  All it took was the crazy brilliant mind of a homosexual WWII codebreaker who died because he was gay to write the paper.  Years later Chaos Theory and the fields of chemistry, biology, physics and ecology benefited from his groundbreaking work.  

Personal soapbox warning.  

The attack on science by christians has nothing to do the surface issues.  It has everything to do with laziness.  What’s easier in the grind of low wage capitalism, belief or the hard work of science.  It also is built on the conflict of the safety of unthinking certainty from the outside and repeated admitting you may be wrong in a basic assumption.  Water will find the path of lest resistance.  Faith is a deep channel of acceptable groupthink.  Not ask hard questions.  The true wow factor of science gets removed by the Texas Text book Commission.  Texas is the largest market for text books other than California and they aren’t buying any.  So the most uneducated social repressive people with an agenda get to determine the basis for rest of the country.  Since they hate evolution and all thing questioning their form of religion, creationism in the clothing of intelligent design gets slipped in.  

When these folks get serious ill, don’t use modern medicine to get better.  It’s all based on Evolution.  You try to hedge your bets an intelligent super being guiding us humans.  Hey archeologist move the human bones from the dinosaur finds then take the pictures.  I call Bull Shit.  

Science is hard.  It takes time and challenges false beliefs or facts.  Makes you think some.  Now school teach the test to get the money in order to keep their jobs. People operate on the three basic needs.  Food, shelter and clothes.  

Steps down from soapbox.

Again thank you for some of your valuable time to read one man’s search for understanding.  Later.