That self description came out from a Facebook comment today. It was a position derived from some hard critical thinking of what do I believe in.

When did compromise because an untenable position? The kiss of political death from your own party? America is more divided than anytime in our history. Distract. Divide. Conquer. Who get Fucked? 98% of the population. How’d they vote? Doesn’t matter.

Is it more fiscally conservative to spend $7,000 a year over 15 years on a young child in poverty or $45,000 a year in incarceration?  Warehoused in privately run prisons with limited or no medical care. A guaranteed endless cycle of parole. Parole violations caused by not being able to find a decent or any job. In the same cultural environment that created the reason for crime in the first place. Back behind bars. Three strike rule under mandatory sentencing guidelines.

Our infrastructure is close to failure. Years of cut and slash spending to the very thing that drives our economy. pardon the pun but a bridge too far because of?

The dynamic tension of regulations has been thrown out. Trust in corporations has always been suspect. Now we’re forced to because one party created protected districts were their more hardcore members can high jack the rule of law?

Is the election rigged? By Republican state houses that gerrymandered their way into dominance. Trust me the Democrats aren’t powerful or organized enough to pull it off. They won the battle in 2008. Lost the war in 2010.

Both candidates are fundamentally flawed. One is damaged American political royalty. The other is a dangerous pathological con man. Have to go with experienced damaged over crazy shallow used car salesman. Sorry if I offended most used car salesmen or women.